Imagine a completely different website for the largest car dealer in Kazakhstan, where the first place will be a high class experience of digital meeting with the works of high class engineers and designers
Can we use the vast possibilities of a combination of media in a clean and simple intuitive interface to take the viewer on an unforgettable journey?

Yes, and what about the company’s main product, a wide range of great cars? What if we let users not only watch, but also interact with each of the models presented on the main page and delve deeper and deeper into the details of the each model they are interested in? Can users look forward to new arrivals? What about cars that are just about to go on sale?

For each of the models presented it would be great to see an additional page in an equally interesting interactive journey

We tried to make the interface and the site itself as breathing and free as possible, so that users can relax and calmly dream about their next purchase while exploring the offered options.

And Yes, as you may have already noticed, the concept involves a step-by-step presentation of information, not the viewer’s abundance of elements at any moment of the journey, and constantly offering new ways to continue it